


Of Parasites and Plagues

Claire Panosian Dunavan, MD, explores lesser known domestic and global infectious diseases

Of Parasites and Plagues
Bear-Eaters Beware: Trichinella Larvae Still Live in Animals We Eat

Shining a light on an ancient, foodborne parasite

July 21, 2024
A microscope image of Trichinella spiralis in muscle tissue.
Of Parasites and Plagues
The Promise of Bacteriophage Therapy to Fight Drug-Resistant Superbugs

A conversation on living with cystic fibrosis and the threat of antimicrobial resistance

June 27, 2024
Of Parasites and Plagues
Are You Ready to Diagnose Valley Fever?

The dust-borne fungal blight has many forms, and its footprint is growing

June 24, 2024
A computer rendering of coccidioides fungus
Of Parasites and Plagues
Botulism's Most Vulnerable Victims Are Not Who You Think

How many babies are treated late -- or never treated at all?

May 31, 2024
A computer rendering of Clostridium botulinum bacteria
Of Parasites and Plagues
Superbugs Pose a Deadly Threat to Cystic Fibrosis Patients

A little-known microbe claimed Mallory Smith's life but did not quell her light

May 14, 2024
A photo of Mallory Smith
Of Parasites and Plagues
Herpes B: A Hidden Menace in Monkeys

The recent saga of a man in Hong Kong is a grim reminder of a dangerous macaque virus

April 23, 2024
A photo of a group of people watching monkeys at Kam Shan Country Park.
Of Parasites and Plagues
Measles' Deadliest Sequelae

How much do you know about its most dire consequences?

February 26, 2024
A photo of a boy with measles.
Of Parasites and Plagues
Treating the Tsetse's Curse

A drug called fexinidazole deserves a heart-felt shout-out

February 9, 2024
A microscope image of trypanosoma lewisi parasites
Of Parasites and Plagues
Fighting Back Against Acute Bacterial Meningitis

The hope for a brighter future largely rests on better vaccines reaching more people

January 20, 2024
A photo of two female physicians performing a spinal tap on a child.
Of Parasites and Plagues
Gonorrhea, Then and Now

And when -- if ever -- will resistant super-bugs increase the use of condoms?

December 22, 2023
A computer rendering of gonorrhea bacteria
Of Parasites and Plagues
Got Raw Milk?

Thanks, but I'll take mine pasteurized

December 8, 2023
A photo of a farmer taking a raw milk sample at a dairy processing plant.
Of Parasites and Plagues
What Will It Take to Get Pregnant Women Vaccinated?

Lifelong education is essential

November 2, 2023
A photo of a syringe in a blue rubber gloved hand in front of an out of focus pregnant woman.
Of Parasites and Plagues
The Parasite Heard 'Round the World

A wriggling worm in a woman's brain underscores parasites' indomitable will to survive

October 14, 2023
A computer rendering of a roundworm.
Of Parasites and Plagues
'Tis the Season of Flea-Borne Typhus

Animal lovers take heed

October 4, 2023
A photo of a Ctenocephalides felis flea in a cat’s fur.
More in Of Parasites and Plagues

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